While it’s true that you can get compensation for injuries incurred at work, accidents should still be avoided. No amount of money can make up for the pain of an injury. Many people get involved in workplace accident every day and surely they would tell you they would rather work and get paid than being bed ridden because of an accident.
Office Accidents are Common
The numbers from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics reflect just how common workplace accidents and injuries are. In 2013, as many as 3 million nonfatal injuries and illnesses and 4,405 fatal occupational injuries have been reported. You don’t have to add to these numbers as most work-related accidents are preventable by following several rules that many experts including accident attorneys believe would reduce any chance of getting involved in one.
Tips to Avoid Getting Involved in Workplace Accidents
- Stop, look and listen.
While in your workplace, always make sure that you are far from danger especially when you have to go to places like storage areas where boxes can fall on you, slippery places like the washroom, or when taking the stairs or an elevator. Always be alert for potential danger. Always look where you are going and be attentive to your surroundings.
- Wear the prescribed protective wear.
When working in factories or in construction, always wear the safety gear the company provides you. These places are accident-prone and it would be difficult even for a seasoned accident lawyer to get your compensation when the injury you get could have been prevented by wearing safety clothing.
- Participate in emergency drills.
Emergency drills are not only for show. They actually save lives by preparing you and your workmates whenever an emergency like fire or an earthquake happens. Many people just ignore emergency drills just because they know there is no real emergency at that moment. However, they miss the opportunity to learn how to react when there is an actual emergency.
- Assess the risk of any new task you are asked to do.
There are times when your boss might send you out for a task that you have not done before. For example, if your job in a construction site is to drive a tractor and suddenly your boss asks you to operate the cement mixer, make sure you know all the risks involved with that unfamiliar job so you can avoid possible work-related accidents. Communicate with your superiors whenever you feel uncomfortable to operate a machinery or perform a high-risk job that you have not been trained for.
- Follow the safety protocol of your workplace.
Most workplace have set rules that aim to minimize work-related accidents. These are called safety protocols or safety programs. Make sure you know these rules by heart and follow them strictly. These rules were not made arbitrarily, the fact is most of these rules are the results of intense studies and office inspections by safety experts. Remember, it is difficult to get compensation if your accident was due to your negligence or lack of awareness. Even the smartest accident lawyers will have a hard time winning your compensation claims.
Speak Out to Help Keep Your Workplace Safe
If you realize that the place you are working in is an accident waiting to happen, then calmly ask your boss or your human resource department to do something about it. Your boss and the company will surely appreciate the fact that you care.
Following the tips above will minimize the chance of getting injured in the office due to an accident. Remember to always be aware of your surroundings and avoid doing things in a hurry. In case you get involved in a workplace accident in San Diego, you can call consult the lawyers from San Diego Accident Law Center.