Auto Accidents Tips: What Steps to Take When Reporting a Car Incident

Accidents happen every day, and while you may think this can never happen to you, one day may come when you will be involved in a traffic incident. There are a few things to keep in mind, even in the rush of the moment. One of them is who do you notify regarding the accident? The below tips will give you a few hints.

It all depends on how serious the traffic incident is. Generally, however, if you get into an auto accident, there are three entities that you might need to report  it to: your insurance company, the police and the local Department for Motor Vehicles. And while you are at it, notify your certified auto accidents attorney.

Should I call the police immediately?

Usually, the call to the police must go from the accident scene. In many US states, the law requires the police to be informed, especially when a traffic incident causes either property damage  (in excess of $500) or personal injury. This is why it is best to never take a chance with these issues. Especially if you, or someone else involved in the auto accident seems injured, call the police as soon as possible. If you notice visible damage to your car, or other car involved, call the police as well.

When the police come, they will ask you what happened. You will undoubtedly have some time to wait before the police arrive. Make sure to use that time to review in your own mind how you believe the accident happened.  Try and answer in an accurate and honest way, when a police officer will answer your questions.

What is my next step?

The next step would be to report the accident to your insurance company immediately. If you cannot do it asap, try to be no later than 24 hours. You may lose money on this, as every insurance policy has a requirement that the insured needs to cooperate with the insurer and report any incident.

Don’t take a chance on this and it is best not to wait.  If you get into a car accident, call your insurance company that day — or the next day — at the latest and tell them exactly what happened.

Another important requirement is honesty. If you will falsely report the facts, your insurer could deny coverage for the accident. Depending on the severity of the incident, your insurance company might want to take its own pictures of your car. Keep your insurance company informed about when you are getting your car fixed so that it can take pictures of your car if it wants to.

Should I file a report with a state agency?

Several US states require that the report be filed with the state Department of Motor Vehicles; other states require that the report be filed with the local police department, or with the police department and the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you are not sure on your particular local circumstances, it is best to ask your accidents attorney and they will tell you what to do.

The report usually has to be filed within a short period of time, generally ten days or two weeks. If you cannot figure out whether your state’s law requires you to file an accident report, you should ask your insurance company or inquire at your local police station. You can most likely get a copy of the report form at your local police station or online at your Department of Motor Vehicles website.

Auto Accidents Tips: What Is a Deposition?

Whether you are a party in an auto accident claim or just a witness, you should know what exactly to expect from your deposition in court. Below are a few important tips

What kind of a trial is one involving a car accident?

Any accidents attorney will tell you this is considered a civil suit. While the rules governing lawsuits vary from state to state, civil actions generally follow the same format. There will be three distinct stages involved:

–          1. Law suit commencement procedures. Generally, the Plaintiff begins a lawsuit by filing a “petition” or “complaint” in court. The Defendant will answer the lawsuit by also filing documents with the court.

–          2. Discovery. This is also known the lengthiest phase of a lawsuit based on auto accidents. The purpose of discovery is to allow both sides to exchange information and documentation about their respective claims and defenses. What will it consist of?  First of all, it will be based on the exchange of written documentation, from medical records, medical bills to witness statements, police reports, and photographs of the accident scene. Also as part of the discovery are interrogatories, written questions sent from one party to another.

–          3. The Deposition.  This is another legal method to obtain information relevant to a car accident case. In a deposition,  a party’s legal representative will ask questions of another person who has information that is pertinent to something having to do with the car accident.

Who can be involved in depositions?

A wide group of people involved in an accident may be involved- from the cars’ drivers, to passengers in those cars, various witnesses, medical experts who provided treatments, police officers who worked on a case. There really is no limit to the types of persons who can be deposed as part of a car accident lawsuit. Typically, the only requirement is that the deponent possesses information related to the lawsuit.

Other tips about depositions

Generally, a deposition can be conducted anywhere, but most court rules require that it should be held at a location reasonably close to where the witness resides. Typically, this will occur in the office of one of the attorneys involved in the lawsuit.

A handful o people will attend a deposition. This restricted group of people includes the attorney who is requesting the deposition, the witness and their attorney, other legal reps in the lawsuit and a court appointed reporter. The latter is a very important part in the entire process. This is because testimony is usually done under oath and it needs to be officially recorded.

Giving testimony under oath means that if the witness is later found to have given knowingly false testimony, they can be subject to criminal penalties.

What kind of questions will be asked?

Once the deposition process starts, the witness will be asked basic questions about their connection to the lawsuit, following specific questions about the incident itself. Generally, the investigating attorney will want to know what the witness observed as the car accident occurred. If the witness is a medical expert, the questions will be related to the prognosis for recovery from the injuries. Sometimes the parties may wish to depose the investigating law enforcement officer, who can provide more detail about the officer’s observations while at the accident scene.

Consejos en su Caso de Negligencia Médica: Reunión con un Abogado Especializado

Este artículo observa varias maneras en que usted puede sacar el máximo de su primera reunión uno a uno en su caso de negligencia médica. Dichos casos normalmente son difíciles y las circunstancias son muy diferentes de una situación a otra; así pues, el primer consejo es: asegúrese de que tiene todo lo que ha ocurrido bien documentado.

No tenga miedo de compartir todos los detalles con su abogado de accidentes especializado. Prepárese para hablar mucho. Cualquier caso legal debe basarse en los hechos, y los casos de negligencia médica no son ninguna excepción. Usted necesita estar preparado de antemano para poder darle a su abogado todos los hechos que le ayudarán a decidir si su caso puede ganar un juicio. Aquí tiene algunas cosas que pude hacer:


Apunte en una lista todos los prestadores de servicios médicos a los que ha pedido tratamiento para su condición

Usted debe haber visto muchos prestadores de servicios médicos, doctores, hospitales y diferentes tipos de terapeutas y centros de diagnosis. Un abogado de negligencia médica necesitará los informes de cada prestador de servicios médicos que usted haya visitado para esa condición. La mejor manera de ayudar al abogado con esta tarea es haciendo una lista de todos los que haya visitado.


Haga un resumen de su tratamientos médicos importantes e historial médico

Usted debería poder resumir los puntos principales de su tratamiento en un par de páginas. Céntrese en cuándo se presentó su condición por primera vez, quién le visitó por esa condición, qué ocurrió, qué piensa que el médico en cuestión hizo mal y quién le visitó para curarle.

Preparar una hojita con los datos le ayudará a mantener su tratamiento claro cuando responda las preguntas del abogado en cuestión sobre qué ocurrió.

Debe llevar todos los documentos y correspondencia perteneciente al caso a la reunión

Si se pregunta qué documentos son importantes en los casos de negligencia médica, tenga en cuenta la siguiente lista:

– Cualquier informe médico y cartas de médicos.

– Facturas médicas.

– Fotografías de su condición.

– Los detalles de contacto de su seguro médico.

– Prueba de pérdidas materiales y pérdida de ganancias.

Su abogado puede obtener esta información con su investigación, pero si tiene estos documentos, evitará que tenga que buscar información y documentos que usted ya tiene.

Escriba una lista de preguntas para su abogado, le será de ayuda

Algunas de las cosas que le interesan saber relacionadas con su caso de negligencia incluyen:

¿Cuántos casos de negligencia médica ha llevado su abogado? ¿Está especializado en negligencia médica? ¿Cuánto tiempo ha estado el abogado de accidentes llevando casos de negligencia médica? ¿Cuáles son los veredictos en los casos de negligencia médica? ¿Cuánto tiempo le costará prepararse para presentar la demanda? ¿Cuáles son las probabilidades de resolver el caso?

Usted debe tener una idea de qué tipo de abogado está buscando cuando vaya a hablar con un abogado especializado sobre su caso de negligencia médica.