Medical Malpractice in Birth Related Cases and How an Accidents Attorney Can Help

Although we don’t hear about them very often, medical malpractice cases involving pregnant women are quite common. In case you or someone in your family has had a birth-related malpractice situation on their hands, you need a reputable accidents attorney’s help and a lot of additional info on who you can sue and how damages can be obtained.

What is a birth related medical malpractice case?

This is typically a malpractice situation when staff in a hospital or medical facility acts in a negligent manner. What does negligent manner mean? Well, typically that they failed to use reasonable care, which resulted in injury to both the mother and child, wrongful birth, wrongful pregnancy or other life threatening conditions.

There are different rules related to each of the above, and the damages correspond to the severity of the situation.

Birth injury to the child or the mother

This may typically occur during the birth process or prior to it, and may result in injuries to the mother, the infant or even both. Some of the very difficult medical cases involved here include negligently failing to control blood loss post delivery on the mother, failing to control oxygen intake for the baby or the mother, pre or post delivery.

Typically, if the baby is injured post delivery, the parents, as the legal guardians, are the ones who must bring the lawsuit. There are both general and special damages involved with such trials. These may include the cost of suffering (physical and or mental)).

There are more serious cases, where a doctor or medical staff will erroneously decide to deliver an infant prematurely, resulting in brain damage. More damages can be paid on such cases, including rehabilitation, developmental needs and medical expenses recovery.

In case of injury to the mother during or after child birth, she is the one who legally has the right to sue. Several malpractice issues with the mother can occur during birth, prior or even after. One typical case could be the fact that the doctor did not observe the mother’s high blood pressure, a condition known as preeclampsia, and the mother has a seizure during.

What happens in wrongful birth cases?

Typically, parents claim that the doctor should have warned them about their child’s impending birth defects and that if they had known, they would have either avoided the pregnancy or ended the pregnancy.

You should know that birth related cases of malpractice are pretty complex and can entail a lot of legal and medical issues. This means you should never rely on your own knowledge and represent yourself. Do your best to contact a specialized accidents and personal injury attorney who will be able to represent your interest best.

Obtén la Ayuda de un Abogado de Accidentes en Casos de Reclamaciones de Responsabilidad Civil por Productos

¿Sabías que la prescripción de medicinas peligrosas, aparatos médicos o productos con deficiencias son la raíz de miles de denuncias al año? Como consumidor de todos estos productos, tendrías que poder confiar en tu abogado especializado en accidentes para ayuda legal. Pero un poco de información también puede ayudarte a encontrar la asistencia legal adecuada, así que abajo puedes encontrar algunas preguntas esenciales sobre reclamaciones de responsabilidad civil por productos contestadas.

¿Que es una reclamación de responsabilidad civil por productos?

Si tú o alguien de tu familia has sufrido lesiones o sufridos daños materiales o personales por un producto que has comprado, puede que tengas la oportunidad de presentar una demanda para recuperarte de tus lesiones y daños. En términos legales, esto se llama una reclamación de responsabilidad civil por productos defectuosos.

¿Qué suponen estas demandas? ¿Hay más tipos de reclamaciones de responsabilidad civil por productos?

Hay muchos aspectos relacionados con estas demandas, pero en general se agrupan en tres categorías:

a) Productos que no se han manufacturado bien en la fábrica o que han sufrido un defecto entre el lugar de creación y el lugar de compra.

b) Productos que no están bien diseñados. En este caso, el proceso de fabricación ha sido correcto, pero el diseño, el proyecto usado para crearlo tenía fallos. En general, estos casos necesitan un grupo o una demanda más grande, ya que no supone sólo un producto sino una línea de productos entera que se considera peligrosa.

c) Productos que no incluyen advertencias o instrucciones adecuadas en cuanto a su uso apropiado. Estas demandas normalmente se llaman demandas por marketing defectuoso.

¿Quién es responsable si una persona resultó lesionada por un producto defectuoso?

Como te dirá tu abogado especializado en accidentes, en estos casos básicamente incluirás todas las partes que están involucradas en la cadena de distribución, desde el diseñador hasta el fabricante y el minorista/proveedor.

Por supuesto, dependiendo del caso, también puedes incluir diseñadores, contratistas y operadores del control de calidad en este grupo. Normalmente son responsables en caso de productos defectuosos en el negocio de la construcción.

¿Cómo puedes probar la culpa en una reclamación de responsabilidad civil por productos?

De nuevo, las circunstancias son extremadamente importantes y no puedes ganar dicha demanda a no ser que puedas probar que se cumplen un número de elementos.

1) Tienes que probar lesiones o daños.

2) Tienes que probar que el producto era defectuoso o que no tenía las instrucciones adecuadas.

3) Tienes que conectar el defecto del producto con tu lesión.

4) Tienes que probar que, en el momento del accidente, estabas usando el producto.

¿Cuánto tiempo tengo para poner la demanda?

Esto depende del estatuto de limitaciones de cada estado. De hecho varía de un estado a otro, así que necesitarás contactar con un abogado de accidente cuanto antes, para asegurarte de que tienes oportunidades de ganar el caso.

Get an Accidents Attorney’s Help on Product Liability Cases

Did you know that dangerous prescription drugs, dysfunctional medical devices or consumer products are at the root of thousands of lawsuits on a yearly basis? As a consumer of all these products, you should be able to rely on your specialized accident attorney for legal help. But a bit of information can also help you find the right legal assistance, so below you can find a few essential product liability questions answered.

What is a product liability claim?

If you or someone in your family have been injured or suffered material or personal damages because of a purchased product, you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover for your injuries and damages. In legal terms, this is called a defective product liability claim.

What do these claims imply and are there more product liability claim types?

There are multiple aspects related to these claims but in general they are easily grouped into three categories.

a)       Products that have been poorly manufactured in the factory or have suffered a defect between the place of creation and the place of purchase.

b)      Products that have been unsatisfactorily designed. In this case the actual manufacturing process may have been correct, but the design, the blueprint used to create it was flawed. In general, these cases call for a group or larger suit, as a single faulty product is not involved, but rather an entire line of products that are claimed to be dangerous.

c)       Products that did not come with adequate warnings or instructions regarding their proper use. These legal claims are often called defective marketing claims.

Who is liable if a person was injured by a defective product?

As your specialized accidents attorney will tell, in such cases you will basically include all parties that are involved in the distribution chain- from the designer to the manufacturer and the retailer/ supplier.

Of course, depending on the actual case, you can also include designers, contractors and quality control providers in this group. These are normally liable in case of defective products in the construction business.

How can you prove guilt in a product liability suit?

Again, here, circumstances are extremely important and you cannot win such a lawsuit unless you can prove that a number of elements have been met:

1)      You have to prove injury or damage

2)      You have to prove the product was defective or that it lacked proper instructions

3)      You have to connect the product’s defect to your injury

4)      You have to prove that at the time of the accident, you were using the product.

How long do I have to file?

This largely depends on every state’s statue of limitations. This actually varies from one state to another, so you will need to immediately contact an accidents attorney; to make sure you have a chance of winning the case.

Notas de un Abogado de Accidentes sobre Incidentes de Caídas y Resbalones.

Hay muchos accidentes que pueden causar casos de daños personales serios, pero uno de los que menos se hablan es un resbalones o una caída en tiendas o negocios. Evidentemente, si te conviertes en la víctima de dicho accidente, te gustaría saber si tienes la posibilidad de denunciar o demandar. Hay varios factores legales relacionados con dicha denuncia y un abogado de accidentes podrá ayudarte con ellos. Abajo podrás encontrar unos consejos y datos que necesitas saber sobre estos accidentes.

Naturalmente, si un accidente de caída o resbalón ocurre en un edificio empresarial, dirías que dicha empresa es responsable de pagar por una lesión personal, ¿verdad? Bueno, este es siempre el caso. Realmente, el propietario del negocio es responsable de pagar algún tipo de compensación si hubo negligencia y esa negligencia supone negligencia por su parte o sus empleados. Así que si te resbalas en una tienda, no te creas que te van a dar una compensación simplemente porque te has caído y nadie haya cumplido una negligencia. Tienes que poder probar que había una condición insegura en ese negocio o tienda. Además, un abogado de accidentes tendrá que poder probar que o el encargado del negocio o sus empleados eran conscientes de que se había creado esa condición insegura en su edificio.

¿A quién puedes denunciar en un incidente de caída y resbalón?

La respuesta depende de la naturaleza de dicha negligencia. Si esto ocurrió en una propiedad que pertenece al propietario del negocio, él es la persona responsable, pero si esto ocurrió en un espacio alquilado, puede que tengas una demanda real contra el dueño de la propiedad o arrendador.

Hay algunos aspectos involucrados de los que tienes que ser consciente.

1) Si el accidente fue causado por un problema estructural del edificio, tendrás una demanda real contra el dueño de la propiedad. Problemas estructurales típicos son una gotera u otro defecto en la estructura del edificio.

2) Si el accidente resulta ser una consecuencia directa de algo que el encargado de la tienda hizo o no hizo, puedes denunciarle. Por ejemplo: el suelo recién encerado ha provocado que te cayeses mientras comprabas en su tienda. El dueño de la tienda es especialmente responsable si no tomaron medidas para avisarte del peligro, poniendo señales de aviso o conos de seguridad.

Hay muchos aspectos que pueden entrar en juego si quieres ganar un caso de resbalones y caída. Lo más importante que tienes que recordar es que tiene que haber una negligencia involucrada para que tu abogado de accidentes pueda ganar un caso de resbalones y caídas.

Accidents Attorney Notes on Slip and Fall Incidents in a Shop or Business Building

There are many accidents that can cause a serious personal injury issue, but one of the least talked about is typically a slip and fall accident in a store or business. Naturally, if you become the victim of such an incident, you would want to know if you have a potential claim or lawsuit. There are many legal factors involved in such a lawsuit and an accidents attorney will be able to help you with these. Below you can find a few tips and facts you need to know about such accidents.

Naturally, if a slip and fall accident occurs inside a business building, you would say the business is liable for a personal injury issue, right? Well, this may not always be the case. The business owner is actually liable to pay any form of compensation if negligence was involved and that negligence involved his or his employees negligence. So, if you slip and fall inside a shop, don’t believe you are in for compensation simply because you fell and that anyone will be found negligent. You have to be able to prove that an unsafe condition was created in that business or shop. Further, an accidents lawyer will have to be able to prove that either the business manager of his employees were aware of that unsafe condition being created in their building.

Who can you sue in a slip and fall incident?

The answer usually depends on the nature of the claimed negligence. If this occurred on a property that the business owner actually owns, he is the person who is liable. But if this occurred on a leased space, you might have a real claim against the property owner or landlord.

There are some aspects involved here that you need to be aware of:

1)      If the accident was caused by a structural issue with your building, you have a true claim against the property owner. Typical structural issues would involve a water leak or other defective structure in the building.

2)      If the accident turns out to be a direct consequence of something the store manager did or failed to do, you would actually have a claim against them. As an example: a newly waxed floor that has caused you to slip and fall while shopping in their store. The store owner is especially liable if they did not take any measures to warn you of the danger- by placing warning signs or safety cones.

There are many aspects that can come into play, if you are looking to win a slip and fall case. The most important thing to remember is that there actually must be negligence involved in order for your accidents attorney to be able to win a slip and fall case.