Como Volver a Encaminar tu Vida Después de un Accidente de Trabajo con la Ayuda de un Abogado de Accidentes

Superar el devastador impacto de un accidente de trabajo nunca es fácil. En algunos casos, un incidente tan dramático afecta el equilibrio de una familia entera. Bastante a menudo, los daños relacionados con el trabajo, enfermedades y fatalidades, desencadenan un sufrimiento inimaginable, pero también una pérdida económica imprevista en forma de facturas médicas, salarios perdidos, e incluso complicaciones legales serias que un trabajador no puede soportar sin la ayuda experta de un abogado de accidentes competente.

Hechos sobre accidentes en el puesto de trabajo que debes saber:

  • En teoría, uno imagina que si se hace daño en el trabajo, es fácil rellenar una demanda y obtener la compensación. Desgraciadamente, esto no es tan fácil y mucha gente que ha estado en esta situación coincide en que empezar este papeleo sin el respaldo de un abogado de accidentes es muy confuso.

  • Según un reciente estudio publicado por el Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos, más de 4900 trabajadores perdieron sus vidas en el trabajo en 2011. Esto significa que 13 personas murieron cada día mientras intentaban completar sus tareas cotidianas en el trabajo. La misma fuente indica que la mayoría de las muertes se dieron en el sector de la construcción (17.6%). La mayoría de las víctimas caen de una altura considerable, son golpeadas por un objeto afilado, son electrocutadas o quedan atrapadas entre maquinaria pesada. Estos son los casos más frecuentes de muertes, comúnmente llamados “los 4 fatales” del sector de la construcción. Aunque es verdad que algunas medidas de precaución pueden minimizar las oportunidades de hacerse daño en el trabajo, hay que decir que la mayoría de los accidentes de trabajo no pueden prevenirse.

Cómo puede ayudar un abogado de accidentes?

Para aquellos que se vean envueltos en un accidente de trabajo, es muy importante tener el respaldo de un abogado de accidentes competente y experimentado. Un abogado te ofrecerá consulta gratuita y sin compromiso para descubrir y analizar las únicas particularidades de cada caso. No hay dos accidentes iguales, y por eso la víctima necesitará asistencia profesional para obtener la mayor compensación por sus daños. Primero, el abogado de accidentes ayudará al trabajador a reunir documentos importantes (facturas de hospital, fotos que reflejan los daños, informes médicos, etc.) Los beneficios que te corresponden, como víctima de un accidente de trabajo, normalmente los cubren tu compañía de seguros. En la mayoría de los casos, no podrás denunciar a tu jefe, pero sí a terceras partes, como por ejemplo, la compañía que produce el equipo defectuoso responsable de tus daños.

Por desgracia, las compañías de seguros normalmente intentarán proporcionar la cantidad mínima de dinero, que apenas cubrirá las facturas médicas. Sin embargo, un buen abogado de accidentes puede ayudarte fácilmente a recuperarte después de un accidente en el puesto de trabajo, haciendo posible que recibas las compensaciones adecuadas aunque inicialmente la compañía de seguros rechace tu denuncia, por la razón que sea.

Medical Malpractice Accidents and Surgical Errors: A Few Things to Know and How Can a Lawyer Help You

When our health and welfare are at risk, our future pretty much depends on prompt, high-quality medical services ensured by trained professionals. Unfortunately, medical errors cannot be considered isolated incidents. Alarmingly high numbers revealed by recent studies on medical malpractice threaten our peace of mind, indicating that no less than 195,000 people lose their lives on an annual basis as a result of an incorrect medical intervention all across the U.S. Moreover, the same statistics highlight the fact that up to 19,000 malpractice cases are instrumented annually on American territory, triggering an astonishing 324 million dollars in hospital costs and supplementary expenses generated by major medical errors. In this context, it goes without saying that the victims of medical malpractice require expert guidance and flawless legal representation provided by a skilled accident attorney.

How and when to file a medical malpractice claim

If your life has been irreparably impacted by a medical error committed by a nurse, a doctor, or any other type of medical staff member, you should find a way to obtain the maximum compensation for your pain and suffering. Most victims know very little or nothing at all about the process that will inevitably become a lengthy battle in court. This is one of the reasons why they should count on a competent accident lawyer who has the expertise and the skills required to obtain the largest settlements in a case of medical malpractice. There are numerous medical errors that could put your life, safety, health, and well-being on the line. Here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Anesthesia administration errors
  2. Starting a medical intervention without obtaining consent
  3. Failure to diagnose a certain medical problem
  4. Failure to treat a particular health problem in a correct, timely manner
  5. Surgical errors
  6. Medical prescription errors
  7. Medical negligence in the emergency room resulting in additional health risks and complications

How can an accident attorney help me obtain the maximum compensation?

You can save time, money, and energy by simply contacting an accident attorney who will analyze the particularities of your case, enabling you to

  1. Determine who is responsible for your injuries
  2. File a complaint against the doctors, nurses, or other medical staff members involved in your care
  3. Get ready for your hearing (prepare all witnesses, handle all paperwork, conduct extensive research, help you comply with courtroom internal regulations, and so on)

All in all, an experienced accident lawyer will know how to make the most of compelling evidence to support your case in court, allowing you to obtain a more than satisfactory settlement. It is important to know that all information shared with your attorney will remain confidential. Moreover, one could easily find a law firm specialized in solving medical malpractice cases that embraces a “no-win, no-fee” (contingent fee) system, meaning that the accident lawyers will charge a fee for their services only after a successful lawsuit.



Traffic Offenses: Legal Consequences Affecting Drivers Who Leave the Scene of an Auto Accident

According to recent statistics, more than 5 million auto accidents took place across the US, in 2010, killing 32,885 people and injuring another 2,239,000 victims. While the prompt intervention of a team of paramedics can save lives, in some cases the driver flees the scene without announcing the accident, considerably decreasing the victims’ chances of survival. A sudden panic attack and high levels of anxiety triggered by an auto accident often direct the driver to leave the scene of the accident and become responsible for a serious offense. The law clearly stipulates the fact that a driver involved in any type of auto accident should:

  1. Provide immediate assistance to everyone who got injured in the accident;
  2. Exchange information with the other driver, or with the owner of the damaged property; and
  3. Inform the police about the accident, in case police officers are not already in the area.

When drivers fail to comply with the three important rules listed above, they automatically expose themselves to considerable fines and/or significant jail time and are usually charged by police officers with various offenses, including failure to stop after a traffic accident, failure to provide assistance to all people involved in the accident, failure to exchange addresses and names, and failure to alert the authorities. The gravity of the legal consequences threatening your freedom and your welfare depends on the gravity of your traffic accident. If the crash has resulted in fatalities or severe injuries, you could be charged with an indictable offence. In such cases, one should expect to spend up to 10 years in jail and to pay a huge fine. It goes without saying that a competent lawyer could make things a whole lot easier for you by offering excellent legal assistance and helping you understand the particularities of your case and your real options.

Things You Should Know Before Going to Court

If you’ve made yourself responsible for an auto accident and you’ve also left the scene of the accident, prepare yourself for a lengthy battle in court. You have three main options at hand: you can declare yourself guilty, declare yourself not guilty, or take the whole blame for the accident and hope to enter a diversion program. Diversion has numerous benefits: it allows you to live the rest of your life without the stigma of a criminal record while being charged with a lesser offence after successfully completing all phases of this program (which may include counseling, therapy, and/or community service). Generally, diversion is for drivers who have caused auto accidents with less severe consequences. The prosecution will strive to prove the following: the fact that you were driving, the fact that an accident took place, and the fact that you disobeyed the law and failed to provide assistance to your victims and/or to exchange addresses and names with the owners of the damaged property.

Hit-and-run cases are always problematic and require excellent legal representation from a competent attorney who specializes in auto accidents. If you have recently fled the scene of an accident, it is advisable to contact an experienced lawyer and discuss your options as soon as possible to avoid severe legal repercussions.